Your New Recruiting Partner

We help you recruit your team at a fraction of the cost, for a low monthly fee.

Traditional recruiting firms charge 20-25% of the first year salary for each hire. Even for junior roles, this can run companies $20-30k at a minimum.

Build Recruiter is a non-traditional search firm. We help small and medium sized companies hire junior and mid-level Professionals at a fraction of the cost of search firms, or hiring internal recruiting teams. We take on the necessary but tedious work

At Build Recruiter, we charge a low, monthly fee starting a $1000 per month and start recruiting right away

Traditional recruiting firms charge 20 - 25% of the first year salary for each hire. Even for junior roles, this can run companies $20-30k at a minimum
Build Recruiter is a non-traditional search firm. We help small and medium sized companies hire junior and mid-level professionals at a fraction of the cost.
At Build Recruiter, we charge a low, monthlyfee starting a $1000 per month and start recruiting right away.

How It Works

Subscribe to a plan that fits your hiring needs
We do the tedious, boring part

Job description  

Job posting

Job salary benchmarking

Resume collection

Resume review

1st, 2nd,and 3rd wave hires

First meeting bookings with you

Immediately start submitting hiring requests to our recruiting professionals

Request comes in (please start the process to hire junior copywriter with 2-4 years experience)

You interview selected talent and hire the right people
Subscribe to a plan that fits your hiring needs
Immediately start submitting hiring requests to our recruiting professionals

Request comes in (please start the process to hire junior copywriter with 2-4 years experience)

We do the tedious, boring part

Job description  

Job posting

Job salary benchmarking

Resume collection

Resume review

1st, 2nd,and 3rd wave hires

First meeting bookings with you

You interview selected talent and hire the right people

Membership Benefits

Project Management

Submit as many requests as you like to keep track of your recruitment efforts

Fast Fulfillment

Get your requests fulfilled one at a time, with a 24-48 hour turn around time depending on complexity

Fixed Monthly Fee

Pay the same recurring fee you selected each  month

Ultra-Fast Support

Ever have an issue? Our policy is to respond as soon as we see a message, no delays

We Grow With You

If you need more or less help, simply scale up or down your plan. Pause anytime you mid-plan when you aren’thiring


We keep your information confidential and never share it without your permission

Other Recruiting
Services We Provide

Job description generation

Anticipated role requirements

Estimated salary ranges and benchmarking research

HR employee handbook creation

Employee spending limits and approvals guide

Travel and vacation policy

Termination letters

Offer letters

Performance Improvement Plans (PIP)

Organizational structures, and much more

Pricing Plans

0-1 Positions

One Request at a time.
Pause or cancel anytime.



Pause or Cancel anytime.

What’s included

Immediately start hiring one position

One request fulfilled at a time

 Average 24-48 hour delivery

All-virtual requests, no meetings (efficient)

Pause your subscription when you are not hiring

Cancel anytime

1-2 Positions

One Request at a time.
Pause or cancel anytime.



Pause or Cancel anytime.

What’s included

Hire up to two positions at the same time

One request fulfilled at a time

 Average 24-48 hour delivery

All-virtual request, no meetings (efficient)

Pause your subscription when you are not hiring

Cancel anytime


What is Build Recruiter all about?

Traditional recruiting firms charge 20-40% of the first year salary for each hire. Even for junior roles, this can run companies $15-30k at a minimum.

Build Recruiter is a non-traditional search firm. We help small and medium sized companies hire junior and mid-level professionals at a fraction of the cost of search firms, or hiring internal recruiting teams. We take on the necessary but tedious administrative work that is crucial but low value for your company's managers and executives.

At Build Recruiter, we charge a low, monthly fee starting a $995 per month and you can start recruiting immediately.

Why wouldn’t I just hire an in-house recruiter?

Often times, recruiting is not a full-time job. Paying an in-house recruiter $55k+ per year may be effective if only they are fully utilized. With Build Recruiter, you pay for only what you use and no more. We value long-term relationships, pause anytime and re-activate when you are ready to hire again.

Is there a limit to how many positions I can hire for at once?

Limits are dictated by plan. In the starter plan you may conduct one recruitment process. In the growth plan you can conduct up to 2 recruiting processes. In any case, you have the option to purchase multiple plans at checkout if you require more than two simultaneous hiring processes.

How fast do you complete each request?

This depends on the request. For a job description, less than 24 hours. Once a job posting is up, we continually review resumes as they come in, and usually wait 1-2 weeks for a large enough sample of applications before providing you with curated interview recommendations and interview bookings.

How long does it typically take to hire someone?

This depends on many factors including your review and involvement in the process; we strive to complete the end-to-end process of recruitment activation to collection of reviews and resumes within 2 months at the latest, but often complete in one month with attentive clients.

How do I submit a request?

You submit requests through Trello. There are multiple ways to submit requests including providing additional information through google forms, word, or other as you see fit. Our team also accommodates requests outside of Trello if there are special requirements from some clients.

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